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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ice Painting

"What the heck is that in the ice!" shouts old man Grimp, who was living in the bush when the Canucks changed their logo. As the other fans in the seats of GM Place calm him down, explaining everything is all right and that security doesn't need to cart the old man out, the questions remain: what IS that thing in the ice, and how did it get there?

Ice graphics are done all around the world, almost anywhere ice becomes a playing field. The logos of hockey teams are only a start, as art is displayed sideways in the course of bobsled runs or even as events themselves. Many factors affect the way the painting is done, including special paints, water, and even the way it is frozen. It is a very specialized field, with few companies in the market competing, and when they do compete it is on a global scale.

Corel's Paint Shop Pro

Small business owners, as you well know, do many jobs. You may be the IT guy one day, the bookkeeper the next and the graphics person the day after that.

For the days when you're wearing the graphics department hat — whether you're working on your Web site, a sales presentation or print marketing materials — you've never had so many options in terms of image-editing programs, photo-sharing services, publishing software, digital cameras and so on

Photo-Paint Power--Without the Price

Corel Photo-Paint has long ranked among the best image editing software for professionals and advanced amateurs. Now, with Photo-Paint 9 Digital Camera Edition ($70 street), digital camera enthusiasts can get many of Photo-Paint's powerful image enhancement features without also paying for high-end utilities they don't need